We arrived in Ibarra 3 long hours after boarding our bus in Quito friday night. Of course there was a 4 course meal waiting for us at 10pm courtesy of Silvanna and her mother...and some entertainment courtesty of Grandpa, whose English is limited strictly to "blop blap blop blap bleeee blue." Needless to say, there was lots of confusion and by the end of the night I think Jess unknowingly agreed to kiss a stray dog that frequents their house for bread. We love grandpa. The next morning our chauffer (Ruth, Silvanna's sister in law) arrived to drive us to the nearby markets in Octalvo. There we discovered just how tough Silvanna is, as she would not let us buy anything until it was a price that she felt satisfactory. We got a ton of Christmas gifts for all you folks at home and then some for ourselves. After hours of bargaining we headed to a nearby lake to take a boatride. Although a bit cold and windy, the sight was beautiful. The rest of the day was filled with food, playing on old school playgrounds next to another lake, and live music. The whole day was like a marathon and we were the clear losers as Silvanna was still ready to get down and dirty at midnight and we were falling asleep in our chairs. Here is a picture of Jess and Silvanna at the market.

On Sunday we took a drive to the nearby town of San Miguel where our grandparents own a "hosteria"-a small resort-type place with swimming, tons of fruit trees, a sauna, and, of course, great food. To accomany the great food was even better company, led by grandpa, who told us of his recent talks with "el diablo" (the devil). I understand a little bit more spanish than he thinks. Afterwards Uncle Ramiro drove us back to Quito where we were dropped off at Uncle Lenin's house. Thankfully, both of his sons speak fluent English and accompanided us on a drive around the city to see the sights at night. We went to the high point where a statue of the Virgin Mary overlooks and protects the city...to say the least, the view was beautiful. The next morning we went to the equator with Lenin and played around on the two hemispheres. Lenin treated us to ice cream and dropped us at the airport, where we bid farewell to Ecuador.
After arrving late into Buenos Aires I got really sick. Since I am a princess (and it was my birthday) Jess and I checked into a hotel (rather than a hostel) and spent the day watching TV. We all know I am never going to live it down that when Jess got sick she hiked for 4 days and when I got sick we laid around on comforable beds. Thankfully, it was only a 24 hour bug and today we walked around the city all day and got a taste for what we have to look forward to for the next week or so.
As soon as we find a computer that can upload our pictures we will do so!