Monday, September 3, 2007

We've got our tickets!

After 3 hours in JFK, a wild goose chase around NYC, and $5,300 we finally scored ourselves some airplane tickets from a somewhat disgruntled American Airlines attendant. Although they are not lined with gold like we expected, we do have our tickets to get us around the world (finally!). We also managed to get our Yellow Fever shots and malaria pill perscriptions, Chinese visas, joint bank accounts (gotta love Commerce--they reimburse ATM fees worldwide), and have tied up some other loose ends. Although there are still many things to plan, one of the things that we have pretty much decided for sure is that we are going to be hiking the Inca Trail in Peru. We are probably going to be using the company in that link but are still looking into some others. Ok, that's about it for now--less than 2 months to go!