We arrived in Ibarra 3 long hours after boarding our bus in Quito friday night. Of course there was a 4 course meal waiting for us at 10pm courtesy of Silvanna and her mother...and some entertainment courtesty of Grandpa, whose English is limited strictly to "blop blap blop blap bleeee blue." Needless to say, there was lots of confusion and by the end of the night I think Jess unknowingly agreed to kiss a stray dog that frequents their house for bread. We love grandpa. The next morning our chauffer (Ruth, Silvanna's sister in law) arrived to drive us to the nearby markets in Octalvo. There we discovered just how tough Silvanna is, as she would not let us buy anything until it was a price that she felt satisfactory. We got a ton of Christmas gifts for all you folks at home and then some for ourselves. After hours of bargaining we headed to a nearby lake to take a boatride. Although a bit cold and windy, the sight was beautiful. The rest of the day was filled with food, playing on old school playgrounds next to another lake, and live music. The whole day was like a marathon and we were the clear losers as Silvanna was still ready to get down and dirty at midnight and we were falling asleep in our chairs. Here is a picture of Jess and Silvanna at the market.

On Sunday we took a drive to the nearby town of San Miguel where our grandparents own a "hosteria"-a small resort-type place with swimming, tons of fruit trees, a sauna, and, of course, great food. To accomany the great food was even better company, led by grandpa, who told us of his recent talks with "el diablo" (the devil). I understand a little bit more spanish than he thinks. Afterwards Uncle Ramiro drove us back to Quito where we were dropped off at Uncle Lenin's house. Thankfully, both of his sons speak fluent English and accompanided us on a drive around the city to see the sights at night. We went to the high point where a statue of the Virgin Mary overlooks and protects the city...to say the least, the view was beautiful. The next morning we went to the equator with Lenin and played around on the two hemispheres. Lenin treated us to ice cream and dropped us at the airport, where we bid farewell to Ecuador.
After arrving late into Buenos Aires I got really sick. Since I am a princess (and it was my birthday) Jess and I checked into a hotel (rather than a hostel) and spent the day watching TV. We all know I am never going to live it down that when Jess got sick she hiked for 4 days and when I got sick we laid around on comforable beds. Thankfully, it was only a 24 hour bug and today we walked around the city all day and got a taste for what we have to look forward to for the next week or so.
As soon as we find a computer that can upload our pictures we will do so!
thank-you!thank-you for this blog!!!i love being able to hear so much about your trip!Amanda ...you are a spoiled princess, but i am glad you both are feeling better!have fun and stay safe!love you both!
Happy Birthday to you ,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Princess Amanda,Happy Birthday to you!love you...
Jess understands that you are the sick Birthday princess--and a delicate one at that. Just tell anyone who asks that you climbed a mountain in your mind while you were watching TV in that hotel room. It's nice to have family in South America who show you a good time, but, remember there's no place like home, there's no place like home, .....
wow, I'm pressed. Two phone calls and two blogs in one week, that's more like it! You go girls and stay healthy for goodness sake. Well I booked my flight and I will see you both in Rio for Christmas, I can't wait for the hugs. If anyone wants me to bring anything to Jess or Amanda, give me a call to arrange it. 267-306-7579
"Impressed" not "pressed"!! so much for spell check on this thing.
I'm pressed by the fact that Jess' dad has tickets. Good Job!
I told you grandpa was a character! He tried to convince me how delicious "cucarachas" are, and I had to tell him I knew what they were and he was not fooling me.
BTW, the lake you took the ride on was actually a lake in a [dormant] volcano.
and why didn't Jess sing to me as well? I was really hurt that she didn't participate.
Hi Kids,Sorry to hear Amanda picked up one of those strangers, didn't you tell her Jess? Sounds like your having a great time! Loved your picture Jess,loved that mask on your friend, perfect for a bad hair day! Stay well & careful. Now don't forget, don't pick up any strangers! Love ya, Gram
Love the pictures, keep them coming. Jess....not sure if you want to post pictures with you drinking with a cup of beer and driving!! Watch it. The falls looked incredible and the foot bridge was awesome. You girls are incredible, your beauty vs. the landscapes..... not sure which makes the pictures but it's working. By now you have celebrated Amanda's b-day in Argentina, can't wait to here about the damages. Love ya. Less than weeks till I see you, can't wait. xoxo
Loved the pictures. You both look so pretty, even when you didn't.
I would be remiss if I didn't,once more, mention the importance of HELMETS. Barely even a month into your trip and they saved your lives. Boy, Jess sure got her hands on the camera real quick when you went down on that bicycle. Looking at your pictures make me outrageously jealous.
im very impressed you two are actually writing on your blog....i would of stopped after the first one....
see u two in march/april :) ill come where the beaches and tall men are jk
hey whats up its mike. u having fun? whats ur skype name or number thing beacause i have skype on my computer.
Hello and a belated Happy Birthday, if I didn't mention that the last time. Alright enough about you. It's obivous that Jess wrote the last blog, as we know that Amanda has had the pleasure of watching me and her mother dance the Lindy on many occasions (Tango Shamgo). She knows that we set the standard although I must say we do not really worry about groin injuries. I know that once Amanda goes into more detail about our dancing Jess may want to cut the trip short to come home and witness our dance in person. Jess its alright finish the trip, you just have something to look forward to when you get back. I do hope both of you are well, this bid for sympathy and attention is wearing thin. As I said eat fiber and all will be good. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure. Be safe
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