The house is in Aveiro, a small city just south of Porto (the 2nd largest city in Portugal and 8km from the beach). While the location is prime and the scenery beautiful, the real selling point of the whole deal is the company. Paula aka Mami aka Momma tells us we are pretty, gives us flowers, makes us necklaces, fixes our worn out clothes, and showers us with kisses. Fernando aka cowboy aka Papa amazes us with his ability to make meals out of the leftovers we pile up in the fridge and his occasional witty English comments. The majority of our time has been spent with Paulino, our brother from another mother, who tends to beat us up and call us fat and ugly. I can't say anything too nice about him as it would show weakness on our part. But, he is always entertaining with his awkward hyena laugh and woman's clothing.
Whilst here we have seen and experienced much, slowly but surely. We spend countless days on the beach, sit down for dinner at 9 or 10, then head out for a coffee. One day we threw an American BBQ for Paulino's friends, complete with a make shift slip and slide, burgers, and way too much food. In fact, people stared at the food like it was going to eat them. Here is a picture of Jess in action on the slip and slide.
Another day we were escorted to a beautiful old palace by the wonderful Auntie Ze and "took a coffee" like typical Portuguese women. One weekend we took a trip to Porto, well known for it's Port wine. The city is gorgeous, though a bit run down, but definitely one of the more beautiful cities I have seen on this trip. And last but not least, we went for a day trip to Coimbra. It was another beautiful city, home of the 3rd oldest university in Europe. Typical of Portugal, we met a friendly lady on the train who proceeded to show us around the whole city with her friends for the remainder of the day, give us all her contacts throughout the country, and set us up with a ride home to Aveiro.
As for now, we are biding our time until we head to Barcelona to meet up with friends from university. We may stay here in Aveiro a bit longer, then go check out Lisbon (the capital), but who knows what will happen at this point. There is a strong possibility that we will get baptized into the Lurerio family this weekend if we can learn out to pronounce the name correctly.
That's all, folks!